watch how i train my birds

By make your own money on 22.04

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Many different kinds of domesticated birds can make enjoyable companions when taken care of properly and treated with love and respect. Although if your bird is not socialized and mentally stimulated daily with shred able toys, ropes, and treats, bouts of depression and aggression can develop, especially in the absence of socializing your parrot. A few of the problems that can occur include squawking, biting and even your bird biting you.

Birds are fairly small creatures, and some may learn slower than others, so it is very important to keep your cool if tweedy is not doing exactly what you want when you want it. A common training tool for your bird is teaching it to step-up. This is where the bird steps up off a surface and onto your finger or hand. Repetition of the exercise is very important and you may find this to be very helpful,Offer just your index finger to the bird by placing your outstretched finger to your birds chest height or a little above the feet. Say "step up" while gently pressing against the front of the body if there is not an immediate response or if your bird seems uninterested or distracted from what you are asking. Do not be forceful, and it is completely okay if your parrot does not get the step-up right away.

These things take time. Practice this whenever you can, but never repeatedly for a long time. Asking for a step-up here and there around the house is acceptable. When your parrot does do this correctly, they will see your finger and step up onto the elevated surface (your hand). Make sure to reward your parrot for obeying by praising them vocally. For instance say "good bird" in a happy tone and offer a small healthy treat to them such as a small piece of fruit.

Keep in mind to pick an appropriate time to train. Do not work with your bird if you are tired or frustrated. Do not spend too much time training your bird in one time period, for they tire quickly and it is better to teach your parrot in small amounts of time.




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